Blends Posters

Hey everyone! 
It's Spring Break and I am posting a ton of pictures of blends posters! I know that I have previous posts on blend but I am almost finished with all of my blend posters. I wanted to share them with you and hopefully you can use them in your classroom!

I hope these can help in your classroom! They sure do help in my classroom!

Dr. Seuss Week Part 2

Hello everyone,
What a week!! Dr. Seuss week is over and we had a blast. I know I posted about the balloons last week, but our week continued and we were having such a great time!

On Monday, we watched "Oh the places you'll go" and it was read by John Lithgow. We created our balloons! ( See previous post) They came out so cute. Surprisingly, I didn't take any pictures of them...

Tuesday, we started the book "Green Eggs and Ham" and we created our own persuasion story if you should eat Green Eggs and Ham. They came out super cute and while we were writing our stories, we also ate "Green Eggs and Ham"
What did I use? I used Waffle Pretzels, vanilla frosting, and green m&m's. My husband was such a great help, and these are actually a picture of his because mine came out looking awful! 

On Wednesday, we read the book "One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish". We actually created our own "aquarium." We made our own fish and then we wrote rhyming sentences on the fish. Of course, since my kids are in first grade...they totally did not want to color it red and blue so they colored it whatever they wanted! 

On Thursday, we read the book Sneetches, and we ALL wore yellow shirts. My entire team wore yellow, and so did almost ALL of the kids. We put green stars on our bellies and became Star Bellied Sneeches. I luckily remembered to grab a snapshot with me and little baby Eyre.

On Friday, me and a co-worker wore matching shirts that said "Thing 1" and "Thing 2". Of course, with my big belly, it looked like the baby was Thing 2! haha

We all made blue hair!! We used bulletin paper and then cut the ends so it looked like it was hair.  

Here is another one of us wearing our blue hair. In the back, you can see the aquarium. We have little fishes and we have our cute blue hair. Notice that everyone in my classroom is wearing a red shirt! It's because they were all things.

Here we are wearing our blue hair and our thing shirts! A huge thanks to this amazing girl! She helped make my dream of being "things" come to life!! She made the shirts because she knew I couldn't be trusted with it! haha

Thanks Jen! I love you to the moon and back!

 I hope your Dr. Seuss week was just as successful as ours was! I can't wait to hear your comments of what you did for Dr. Seuss week!