What are the components of Guided Math?

Hey everyone! Last week I posted about what Guided Math is. If you want to read it then check out (here). This is a four week post about Guided Math. This is week 2. 

What are the components of Guided Math?
Y'all let me tell you... There are a lot of ways to do Guided Math. No really...there's a lot. I may have one way that is effective for me and another way that may be effective for you. There is so much that goes into Guided Math but once you get into the rhythm you'll be set. This will be a long(er) post so hopefully you can bare with me through it!
What does my math block look like?
If you have a different amount of time, then I would definitely recommend manipulating the times. I personally like to make sure that I get to all my groups daily but sometimes I do run out of time and will need to pull the last group later. 
How do I make the groups?
I break them up by levels. I have a low level, the middle level (which is usually two groups) and then the high group. I know a lot of people say to see your low group first but I don't do that. Wait! Before you freak out- hear me out. My math block in first grade was first thing in the morning. If I pulled my low kids first, I would have to make sure the rest of my kids are settled (which usually only happens in the first group) and then that first group lost out on time that honestly...they really needed. I pulled my second highest group because they are the ones that will move (or gain levels.) 
What are the other students doing while I'm in small group?
Interactive Notebooks, Math Journals, Hands on Activities, Independent Work, Xtra Math and Ten Marks. I don't have a rotation however I know there are many people out there that do have boards. One of my favorites is Sweet Tooth Teaching. I really like her work-it's nice and clean!

How do I implement?
Come back next week so you can read all about how to implement Guided Math!!!

Leave your comments below so I can hear different ideas about how you run Guided Math in your classroom. 

Guided Math

Hey everyone! This is 4 posts that will be extended over 4 weeks.  Be sure to come back each week to check it all out.
Week 1- What is Guided Math?
Week 2- What are the parts or components of Guided Math?
Week 3- How to implement successfully
Week 4- Where to get resources?

Let's start off with What is Guided Math?
Guided Math is a structure for teaching where a teacher supports each child's development within a small group setting. Guided Math also allows the teacher to increase the level of difficulty based on the students needs.
Why do I do Guided Math?
Honestly, I really do enjoy Guided Math. I was always shocked as to why teachers would change their entire teaching methods to try this program. Then I jumped on the bandwagon. I am not saying that you need to but I will tell you some of the amazing benefits that I have noticed. 
1. When a student struggled, I immediately saw the mistake that the student was making. I was able to correct the mistakes and lead the students to go back to check their work.
2. Which leads us to number two! They learn how to check their work. They also may realize...oh hey- the kid next to me got a different answer. What did I do wrong or what did they do wrong?
3. I always ask that my kids support one another (especially in guided math). If they did notice that they have a different answer then their partner they were to go back and check along with their partner.
4. I could see who understood the material or who would need remediation that day or later in the day.
5. Each student was provided a hands on activity daily to help them play with new knowledge during small group. A way to interact with the information on paper (still have to take state tests ya-know?), are able to work on a hands on activity from last unit to practice those skills as well, and work with technology to strengthen skills.
What do your other students do while you are working with one group?
My other students are working on skills that are structured just for them. For example, hands on activity, technology, math facts, math journals, task cards, word problems etc. 

I included parts of my Unit 1 Guided Math program here so that you can see what it looks like at a fifth grade level. There are 11 units, 2 pages of classwork, an exit slip, 2 pages of homework and a hands on activity for small group that you could use later during review time.

If you are looking for Fifth Grade Unit 1-Place Value click --->_-*HERE!*-_

Part two is all about the parts of guided math and we will see you next week!


Five for Friday

We posted our first Dive into Reading!!!! 
I finished my Guided Math for fifth grade! 
W learned how to use multiple objects to help him walk.
We went swimming twice!
Lastly...I watched the first five episodes of Orange is the new black. 

What a week!!

September Dive Into Reading

Hey everyone!
I would like to formally introduce you to my friend Sarah! Sarah and I are great friends and we have created an amazing product for you! Last year, when I came back from maternity leave I was a mess in so many ways. One of the big ways was that I never felt successful as a teacher. I feel like I was barely keeping my head above the water. I needed something to use in my classroom for reading so I could just print the lesson plans, any vocabulary words, and the crafts and be DONE! This is how Dive Into Reading began. 

We are creating all of these units for every grade but bare with us. We are starting with first grade and then up to fifth grade. What does each unit entail?

I wanted to add some pictures as well you get a really good idea of what comes in each unit!

****This unit will be posted on Wednesday, June 15th****

We are so proud of this that we are actually giving away the entire first unit! 
Sign up below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Evaluations 2.0

Hey ya'll!
I'm so excited to show you slight improvements to my original post about Evaluations. If you want to read the previous post click here
I made some minor changes to the system. As I've become a better teacher, my products have become slightly better. The concept itself remained the same. I still found it extremely useful to keep them as circles and to have an evaluation on each side. One side showed me their score and one showed me what they felt that they were like with their work. This is just a few ways that I tweaked it over the years.

1. I laminated all the circles and the had a parent volunteer cut them for me.
2. I punched a hole in them.
3. I used binder rings instead
4. I used command hooks on the desk to hold them in place.
5. I wrote the students letter on the front. We never lost one again.
6. I put them on Astrobright paper. (Obsessed...what teacher isn't?)

I am hopeful that some of these helped you with the many questions you had about the evaluations.

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Linky Party

Woohoo! I've joined my first link party. This one is all about everything you've done for the week. Let me tell you...It was a LOT this week!
We took my 11 month old to Georgia to see my in laws and then to Chattanooga. 

 We went to the Georgia Aquarium and the Tennessee Aquarium. I loved both but that is a whole different story.

We also went to Rock City and Ruby Falls which is quite amazing. Have you seen Ruby Falls? It's a waterfall in the middle of the mountain. It was pretty cool!

Sarah and I finished our 3rd book for Dive Into Reading. They are mini-lessons and interactive read aloud lesson plans along with lots of other really awesome things but that will be posted about by next Wednesday so check back for that!

 Last but not least, I started Guided Math for fifth grade since I will be teaching fifth next year. So far I am about 4 lessons in (out of 11) and I absolutely love it. It's engaging, it's hands on, it's interactive journals. Each lesson has Whole Group Lesson, Small Group Lesson, Remediation, On-level, and Above Level lessons, 2 pages of Classwork (we are a district where you must have places to practice to your work), an exit slip, and 2 pages of home-learning. I'm really proud of how much I've accomplished since Monday!