A Teacher's Portfolio...

So it's been no secret that I have been actively looking to transfer schools. I live an hour from where I work and I have an 8 month old that I can't wait to see at the end of the day. I needed something closer. Not wanted...needed. A year ago I wouldn't have cared about the drive but now I need to be near my baby. That means interviews. Ugh. Let me tell you that I feel like interviews are so impersonal. You talk to a principal for 30 minutes while they rattle off questions. Do they really get to know you? Probably not. I needed a way for people to know me. I'm a *bright* person. I don't just mean in smarts. I attract attention wherever I go. No joke. I wanted a way for that to transfer into my interview...but how?
I went back to my college days...make a portfolio. I did. Let me tell you...it's beautiful. No really- it's gorgeous. I'm in love with it and it's me. It's a sneak peek into my classroom. It allows the principal to see what my classroom looks like without even being there. (Insert love eye emoji)

What did I start with?
1. My resume. Honestly- I splurged and bought one from etsy. Her name is TheResumeMaker. 
2. Then I included all of the committees or clubs that I've been chair of or been involved with. Of course I put them in chronological order.
3. I put a copy of my certificate. I worked hard for my certificate so you better believe I put that in there.
4. I took pictures of my reading centers and included that. I also gave descriptions of the reading centers.

5. Also, I included my examples of math centers. I had a few pages on this in my portfolio.
6. Parent communication is so important. I had a page just of parent communication. If you're looking for the stuff in the pictures- the newsletter is from learning in wonderland, the app is from Remind 101. I have to look up the small sheet but I use them all the time!!!
7. I included all of my pieces of positive behavior. The little fuzzy ideas came from Seusstastic's Mel D. The rest were created by me.
8. This was a great way for me to show students progress without bringing a ton of stuff with me. The rainbow words are Jen Jones from Hello Litercy, and the rainbow math is from my store.
The data binder is full of all the information of my kids. I the informal reading running record is from Deanna Jump.

I am hopeful that you got some ideas for your portfolio. I posted this on TeachersPayTeachers Right here!!! I posted on a video of this on my instagram.
Let me know if you want a copy of this!