IEP Mania


A lot of teachers always struggle with ways and things to keep track of IEP's. We learn so much when we are in college, and then they expect us to use every tool when we graduate? NOOO way! How can we keep track of SOOOOO many students? We are handed a HUGE packet (usually) the first week of school. Then we are expected to memorize the students needs? Uhm...does anyone else struggle with this? So I created my cheat sheet.

I hated reading those GIGANTIC packets of information for IEP' I created the IEP Goals & Accommodations. I made two documents. One was so that I had a complete list of all of my students and their goals for the year. I print this out on NEON pink and then I keep it out during the week so if my students are doing something, I can look to see if they are meeting their IEP Goals. This is a great way to do a quick glance. You will also notice that some students have things underlined. I also put in things that the students are capable of doing. This was mainly what was said about the students last year. If you want a copy for yourself... then POP OVER HERE!

 My second one is a way to track the progress of the students throughout the year. I use this so that when it is time to visit the IEP time, I can easily students were or were not capable of this. I can say...yes! They met this goal, or noooooo :( they didn't meet this goal. If you want to have this one...he (yes, it is a he) will cost you $2.00 at my TpT store. I hope you all enjoy this and it works for you!

Happy Shopping & Happy Pinning!

Life as we know it.

Hello everyone!

I am making a vow...right NOW! I vow that I will make an update at least once every 3 days. I will make sure I have time and I promise to make you as happy as you all make me! I wanted to tell everyone how happy I am right now. We (unfortunately) had a hurricane day today, which is like a SNOW DAY for us! My mom won District Vice President for America's Business Women's Association. She is the 1st one on the second row. I am so proud of my mom. I cannot believe how far she has come in such an amazing organization. I still have not gotten engaged BUT I did get Wesley (boyfriend) to say yes to a Disney trip on November 9th. (WOOOOOOHOOOOO) 

I joined a very good club at my school. The club is for teachers who want to bring morale of the school back up. Which brings me to the first freebie that you can download today. We've Been Gobbled! is my newest creation. It is just like You've been booed except, it is for Thanksgiving time. We are starting it next week! I think we are giving it to one person on every other team level. I hope this inspires teachers around the world! thing number 3- I created FCAT type like questions for my students and I want to share it with you! I like not having a thousand things turned in every day. I also like to save paper! So I created a different type of "Calendar Math" This one is 4 questions a day, based on what the students have learned so far. My kids love Calendar Math and go very very quick with it. I wanted to make sure I started to introduce FCAT 2.0 like questions and lo and behold-Questions 2.0 was born!!! Questions 2.0 can be found HERE. There is another page, and I am using it for the front and back. 

WHEW! I have more...but you will have to pop in tomorrow to see!